Subject Matter Experts &
Industry Educators

Authentic, authoritative perspective from top
industry practitioners and business leaders.

Wisethat’s subject matter experts (SME) videos feature top industry professionals sharing their decades of experience and expertise in short form format.

This type of educational content allows students to learn from those SMEs possessing firsthand knowledge of current trends, best practices, emerging technologies, strategies for success and so much more.

Our SME database consists of 1000’s of top expert practitioners working across all industries, disciplines and subjects in the U.S. and Canada. Check out a few of our most recent SME videos below.

Recent Work

Give your students access to expert advice with our SME videos.

A true SME will have the most in-depth knowledge of the content in their subject matter, adding authenticity and depth to your content.

The Training Associates (TTA)

The Value of Subject Matter Experts in Education

Enriches Course Material

SME videos provide more depth to the course’s curriculum and give students a deeper understanding.

SMEs can expand on learning content, provide examples of academic concepts working in real-world situations or offer expert advice on what students can expect after graduation.

Integrating SME videos into your classrooms or online education platforms enhances the learning process by providing students with a detailed picture of the marketplace.

Empowers Students for Success

Subject matter experts stand at the forefront of their industry through continuous learning, gaining new experience and collecting achievements.

Our SMEs share important lessons they learned along the path to success giving students a valuable roadmap to follow.

SMEs give students practical knowledge and equip them with tools to use on their journey to a prosperous future.

Simplify Subject Matter

As authorities in their field, SMEs are great communicators of their subjects. They can clarify complex topics that might be difficult to understand through eLearning platforms or reading material.

This simplification helps students retain the information more effectively and gain confidence in their learning ability.

SMEs give students practical knowledge and equip them with tools to use on their journey to a prosperous future.

Our SMEs are ready to share their expertise with your students and prepare them for what’s


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